Dibuka Kembali Open Recruitment BANK BNI
BINA BNI Internship Program 2023
Available Position
- Admin
- Teller
Placement Area
- Jayapura Branch Office
Are you the one we are looking for?
- Maximum age 25 years old
- Minimum possess Associate (Diploma 3) / Bachelor’s degree with minimum GPA 2.75
- Male / Female have attractive appearance with minimum height for male is 165 cm and for female is 155 cm
- Not married and willing to not marry during the internship program
- Physically and mentally fit and not color blind (proven by a Health Certificate)
- Never been involved in drugs abuse or other violations of the law (proven by a Police Record Certificate / SKCK)
- Mandatory to follow Instagram account @bni_wilayah16
Application Documents
- Application Letter
- Full body color photograph size 4R
- Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopy of the latest Diploma
- Health Certificate
- Police Certificate (SKCK)
- Photocopy of Identity Card (KTP)
- Photocopy of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)
- Photocopy of BPJS Kesehatan
- Photocopy of Family Card (KK)
- Drugs-Free Certificate
- Fill in the applicant data form which can be downloaded at link below
Should you are interested with the position and meet the qualifications required, kindly submit your application to:
- PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
- Kantor Cabang Utama Jayapura
- Jl Frans Kaisepo Ruko Pasifik Permai
- Jayapura
- Papua
Submission deadline deadline 14 June 2023.BNI has never collected any fee in the Bina BNI Program Recruitment process.(Jangan mentransfer / membayar biaya apapun selama proses rekrutmen, seperti biaya tiket, hotel dll.)