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Exchange program – from NPTU, Taiwan

Dear friends of the Partner Universities,

Warmest greetings from National Pingtung University (NPTU).

After 2-year suspension of inbound exchange program, now NPTU is pleased to inform you the program will be reopened in 2023.

If your students are interested in studying in NPTU, please check the attachment for detailed application information and kindly share it.

Online application (https://oiais.nptu.edu.tw/p/412-1090-12630.php?Lang=zh-tw) is preferred and forms are acceptable while online application is not available.

If you have any query regarding the exchange program, please contact Ms. Vicky Lee, oiais@mail.nptu.edu.tw, for further information.

The following application timeline for your reference.

We sincerely welcome your students studying in NPTU.

Best regards,

Ya-Ping Huang

Program student exchange bisa mengajukan beasiswa di KUI UNISMA, kegiatan selama 1 semester

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